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Page last updated on : 08/06/2021 - 5:57 am

General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs – RAK Honors the winners in the annual cultural competition


His Excellency Major General Sultan Yousuf Al Nuaimi, Executive Director of the General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs, Ras Al-Khaimah, honored the Department of Strategy and Performance Development for winning the first place in the annual culture competition, in the presence of a number of directors and employees.
The first stage of the competition was participated by 52 staff members, where 20 contestants proceeded to the final stage, which included contestants from Ports Departments, Violators Affairs, Entry Permits, Facilities Compliance Department, General Manager’s Office and the Identity and Citizenship Department (A) and (B).
This tribute is part of the ICA’s desire to promote a culture of creativity and innovation among its employees, motivating them to positive thinking and competitiveness, and to establish culture as a style of life towards achieving remarkable results in their personal lives and careers.

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