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Page last updated on : 14/03/2021 - 4:58 pm

General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Umm Al Quwain organizes “Young Innovators” competition


The General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Umm Al Quwain has organized ”Young Innovators” competition to encourage youngsters to innovate and to develop out- of- box thinking. This comes as part of “UAE innovates 2021” week.

A number of children took part in the competition aiming to encourage them to adopt creative thinking, and to create awareness about the importance of innovation and of qualitative non-traditional solutions to envision the future; a role that the Directorate plays to nurture the culture of creativity and innovation in the youngster mindsets to encourage them to acquire the skills, tools, and techniques of their modern age. The ultimate aim is to build future leaders who are innovative, creative, and visionary.

The competition ends with a ceremony to honour victors to encourage them to participate in similar events. HE Brigadier Khaled Yousef Bin Hadhiba, Executive Director of the General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs- umm Al Quwain honoured young winners. The event was attended by a number of managers and senior employees in the General Directorate.

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