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Page last updated on : 06/09/2020 - 9:17 am

“GDRFA-RAK” organizes Workshop for its Employees on “Corporate Governance”


The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Ras Al Khaimah organized a workshop for its employees on “Principles of Corporate Governance” in cooperation with the Corporate Governance Department at the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship to spread the governance culture and give a brief about its concepts, elements, and requirements in addition to the importance of its application in ICA.


Dr. Ashraf Gamal El Den, Executive Director of Governance Institute of Dubai International Financial Center Authority, presented the first part of the workshop, which was attended by HE Major General Sultan Yousef Al Nuaimi, Executive Director of General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Ras Al Khaimah and a group of ICA’s directors of departments, officers and employees. It included an illustration of the concept of governance and its development, principles, and fundamental pillars, which represent the main foundation of its application in the entities.


In turn, Dr. Ahmed Al Gabri, a Corporate governance Counselor at ICA, reviewed before the audience the most highlighted updates of application of the general framework of the corporate governance in ICA. He asserted the importance of applying the principles of accountability, liability, and compliance to the laws and regulations, in addition to integrity and transparency in using the powers and resource management in supporting the endeavors of institutions to enhance the trust of its customers through its services and products in addition to focusing on achieving the strategic objectives and developing effective systems to manage corporate work risks and mitigate the impacts of risks.


During the workshop, Thani Al Kaabi, Director of the Corporate Governance Department in ICA, presented a detailed explanation to the audience on the manual and methodology of internal auditing at ICA in addition to the mechanism of execution of plans and steps of the auditing process.

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