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Page last updated on : 27/10/2020 - 9:12 am

“GDRFA-RAK” organizes a workshop on the “Cyber Security” for its employees


The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners’ Affairs in Ras Al Khaimah organized a workshop titled “Cyber Security”, to make its employees aware of the importance of keeping data and protecting the systems, programs, and networks from digital attacks.

The workshop, which was organized by the Directorate in cooperation with the Emirates Identity and Citizenship Academy, was delivered by the First Lieutenant Mohammed Ahmed Al Zaabi and attended by His Excellency Major General Sultan Yousuf Al Nuaimi, Executive Director of GDRFA-RAK, and a number of officers and employees of GDRFA. During the workshop, the concept of Cyber Security was explained and its importance for maintaining sensitive and crucial data from penetration, destruction or alteration was presented.

At the end of the workshop, Major General Al Nuaimi honored Engineer Al Zaabi for the efforts he exerts to deliver the workshop.

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