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Page last updated on : 21/03/2023 - 12:28 pm

GDRFA Dubai celebrates International Day of Happiness

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UAE, Dubai, March, 20, 2023: The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai (GDRFA) today celebrated the International Day of Happiness, which falls on March 20th of every year through a variety of initiatives that strengthen its reputation as a distinguished workplace where employees and customers are highly valued, ensuring their happiness at both professional and personal levels.
The festivities featured a series of messages sent to customers to foster sustainable, constructive communication, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction. Additionally, a happiness questionnaire was distributed to customers to identify the factors and tools that contribute to their overall contentment.
The celebration also involved direct visual communication between GDRFA leaders and officials, who were on hand to address customer inquiries. This interaction underscored the GDRFA’s commitment to maintaining open lines of communication and addressing the needs of both customers and employees.

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