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Page last updated on : 03/04/2022 - 2:16 pm

Fujairah Center staff participate in blood donation campaign and support “mobile bank”

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The Fujairah Registration Center has taken part in supporting a blood donation campaign in co-operation with Fujairah Hospital and in co-ordination with the Ministry of Public Works by allocating a space for the mobile blood bank bus in the area located between the center and the ministry’s building and giving the opportunities to its employees to donate blood for the campaign.

The center staff also organized an advertising campaign to notify the inhabitants of the neighboring areas of where the mobile blood bank was available by distributing brochures in those areas and at the typing offices across the emirate, causing a large number of customers to respond positively to the campaign, not to mention the donation of most staff of the center.

This initiative comes as part of Fujairah Registration Center’s keenness on continuously launching humanitarian and social initiatives, which included supporting blood donation campaigns regularly due to the fact that donation has a great effect on deepening the spirit of responsibility in the minds of nationals and residents, stressing the importance of humanitarian voluntary work among the individuals of the society and collecting blood for the patients who need it.

It is worthwhile that blood donation has many health advantages for both the donor and patient, not to mention its role in reflecting solidarity among the members of the society.

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