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Page last updated on : 08/09/2020 - 2:36 pm

“Foreigners Affairs and Ports” in Ajman organizes a workshop for representatives of “TASHEEL” and “TADBEER”


General Directorate of Foreigners Affairs and Ports in Ajman organized a workshop for the representatives of “TASHEEL” and “TADBEER” centers on the mechanisms of completing the transactions of violators of Residency Law through the printing offices under the “Protect Yourself By Changing Your Status” Initiative, which started on the first of August and ends until the end of next October.

The workshop, which was attended by Brigadier Ali Saeed Al Matrooshi, Acting Executive Director of Foreigners Affairs and Ports in Ajman, and delegates and attended by representatives of “TASHEEL” and “TADBEER” offices, and the definition of the categories of residency violators who can finalize their transactions through the mentioned centers, who are the nationals of countries suffering from disasters or wars, and the sponsors who wish to renew the residency visa of their sponsored violators. while the centers established by ICA manage to issue the permits of violators’ leave, remove the circulars of the absconding and grant those wishing to stay temporary residency visa for 6 months.

During the workshop, Brigadier Al Matroushi urged the representatives of “TASHEEL” and “TADBEER” centers to provide an exceptional experience to those wishing to benefit from the Initiative, to ensure that their transactions are carried out smoothly and conveniently, and to provide them with the best levels of comfort to enjoy a legal residency and be active and productive in the UAE society.

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