Finnish Minister of Communications in the Milano Exhibition Emirates ID’s pavilion

Friday 6 November 2009

H.E. Mrs. Lindén paid a visit to the Emirates ID pavilion in the exhibition held on the sidelines of the ID World Conference which closed in Milano, Thursday evening.

During the visit, Mr. Yousif Al Dhaib Al Kitbi, Emirates ID Customer Service Director, gave Mrs. Lindén a comprehensive explanation of the working mechanism of the mobile OSRO device used by the Authority for registration of nationals and residents in the Population Register & ID system.

The Finnish Minister showed much interest in the easy-to-use mobile device which provides efficient and comprehensive registration services.

At the end of the visit, Mr. Al Kitbi submitted the Authority’s plaque to the Finnish Minister who participated in a number of workshops held on the sidelines of the ID World Conference.

Al Kitbi pointed out that a large number of Milano Conference attendees visited the Authority’s pavilion which attracted many general managers and representatives of some international specialized companies who expressed their admiration of the important services guaranteed by the mobile device.

The ID World Conference is the biggest international event focusing on the automatically read identity technologies and addressing different aspects of wirelessly read identity technologies, biological measurements and smart cards. The Conference is also the only international forum that adopts a holistic approach in dealing with advanced identity technology instead of focusing on specific technologies or discussing limited applications in a certain sector.