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Page last updated on : 29/06/2021 - 12:47 pm

Federal Authority for Identity & Citizenship (ICA) launched a series of forums to review the future foresight scenarios


The Federal Authority for Identity & Citizenship (ICA), represented by the team of future foresight, launched a series of forums to review the future foresight scenarios including three pillars which it has foreseen its future until 2035.
The future foresight team held the first meeting over two days about the future of population data theme, in the presence of representatives from the Population Register Department, Human Resources Department, Information Technology Department, Strategic Planning Department and Youth Council in the Ministry. The attendees discussed and approved future scenarios and initiatives for the future of population data considering that it is one of the most important pillars which ICA seeks to foresee its future in addition to the optimal readiness for all scenarios that has been considered.
ICA is keen to adopt the best practices and techniques of strategic planning and future foresight in its field of work, in order to achieve its desired goals and its ambitious vision as a leading global entity.

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