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Page last updated on : 12/07/2021 - 12:21 pm

Federal Authority for Identity & Citizenship holds a meeting with the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority to discuss “benchmarking”.


The Federal Authority for Identity & Citizenship (ICA) held a meeting with the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority to discuss the areas of benchmarking visits that the Government Communication Department intends to conduct in order to review the best global experiences.
The meeting was held in presence of the Government Communication Department Director and heads of departments, whereas the attendees discussed the project of implementing benchmarking to review the best practices regarding the internal communication mechanism with employees, the management of social media accounts, the tools of marketing and promotion of services, in addition to the mechanism for handling media requirements. This shall contribute to supporting the business continuity of the Government Communication Department and enhancing the development and improvement sustainability of its operations and competitiveness within the ICA organizational structure.
ICA is keen to conduct benchmarking visits locally and globally within the framework of strengthening joint cooperation relations with its partners, with the aim of exchanging experiences, identifying creative ideas, and reviewing the best practices of government work, in a way that supports ICA’s objectives in all fields.

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