The Federal Customs Authority, FCA, has taken a part in “UAE Invents 2021″ cycle taking place today (Sunday) for a week. The Authority will showcase 3 advanced customs projects; smart passengers inspection unit, smart inspection and monitoring system in addition to the under implementation trucks and shipments e-tracking system.
H.E Ali Saeed Alneyadi, Commissioner of Customs – Chairman of FCA, said bracing innovation culture in state wise customs sector serves as a pivotal strategic goal to achieve on its journey to implement a state-broad unified customs strategy stemming from our wise leaders directives and in compliance with UAE vision 2021 and UAE Centennial 2071.
H.E highlighted that recent years witnessed the success of customs sector all over UAE in innovating dozens of electronic and smart systems in customs key areas which, in turn, contributed to building state customs capabilities, reinforcing national and pivotal role the customs sector playing in maintaining community security and stability, and support the overall development trajectory via facilitating trade, simplifying customs authority, bolstering customs ports monitoring and curtailing clearance time.
H.E Saeed Alneyadi underlined the significance of automating customs procedures and innovating electronic and smart systems in concreting the capabilities of customs departments to combat smuggling and trade counterfeiting, size fraudulent and counterfeited goods and recycling them in addition to the magnificent role in promoting UAE competitiveness in overseas logistics and trade indices, eliminating customs constraints and elevating the attractiveness of business environment in the country.
Passengers Inspection Unit
H.E Customs Commissioner pointed out that Authority’s initiatives in “UAE Innovates 2021″ cycle target various segments of community in addition to customs workforce while fully complying with COVID-19 applicable precautionary measures, with a view to disseminate awareness on innovation issues and pillars in customs activity within these segments.
Among FCA’s initiatives through the current innovation cycle, showcasing the smart passengers inspection unit, which FAC proudly innovated its architecture and mechanism; the unit is a mobile integrated inspection unit equipped with side screening device to inspect luggage, detect drugs, explosives, radiant substances and forged documents in addition to other supporting handheld devices. The side-screening device features its superior capability to inspect containers, trucks and light vehicles, in addition to screening approximately 100 vehicle an hour, and the capability to capture vehicle plate number to be mapped to rays images accompanied by image analyst remarks.
“RAMS” System
Furthermore, Authority’s initiatives incorporate navigating the smart monitoring and inspection system (RAMS), a smart system developed by the Federal Customs Authority to manage and govern daily operations performed in inspecting and monitoring customs ports across the country by Customs Inspection & Monitoring “K9″ Department within the Authority.
The “RAMS” system operates on IOS and Android based tablets, which includes dedicating tasks to controllers and task forces within the Customs Inspection & Monitoring “K9″ Department in remote work sites, and facilitating information sharing, submitting daily reports on customs centers’ status, attendance management through the system by integration with the approved federal government employees system, Bayanati, in addition to automating the approved vehicle inspection process under the transports Internationaux Routers (TIR) system.
Worthy to say that “RAMS” system features innovating Authority’s own algorithms which enable the Authority recognize ports status, gauge its level of severity and submit daily reports to the senior management and decision makers to take proper decision. It also aims at augmenting monitoring ports state-wise, developing customs activities to facilitate trade and passengers movement in addition to implementing best customs practices and employing technology in automating monitoring and inspection operations in approved ports and trucks in TIR system.
Trucks Tracking
As well, Authority’s participation during current innovation cycle includes introducing the recently approved by Cabinet, electronic trucks and shipments tracking project, which is under implementation to go live in the months to come.
Trucks and shipments electronic tracking system represents one of the most recent projects adopted by the Authority, an electronic system to track means of transport (trucks transporting goods) in an electronic manner by integrating tracking devices thereon for monitoring purposes from the port of origin to its final destination in the country through operations chamber providing direct and on-spot follow up for such shipments by satellites or telecommunication network on 24/7 basis and generating relevant follow up reports.
The project is a step to reinforce customs security scheme by tracking the movement of dangerous, critical and high-risk shipments, outstanding positions for customs duties, and ensuring arrival to final destination by electronic integration with concerned entities on port. Additionally, the system aims at supporting the security of supply chain by securing shipments data and information, and monitoring their movement in addition to satisfying GCC Customs Union requirements by streamlining inter-trade movement and do without customs role in frontier ports.
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