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Page last updated on : 03/12/2021 - 11:39 am

“FAIC” opens its newly refurbished customer happiness office in “Dibba-Fujairah GDRFAF”

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Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship announced the re-opening of FAIC’s customer happiness office in Dibba-Fujairah GDRFAF, which has been redesigned to comply with the Emirates Programme for Excellence in Government Services standards and provide more value-added services.

The customer happiness office, which is located in the Al Ghurfa area in Dibba-Fujairah, operates during the working hours from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm and provides most of the fee-free services provided by FAIC, such as social security and elderly citizens transactions, fingerprint, free replacement, data update and birth registration.

FAIC has closed the customer happiness office temporarily at the end of last April in order to develop it and add more facilities to it, the matter which will positively reflect the level of services provided to customers and contribute to their happiness and satisfaction.

FAIC pointed out that its customers and the public can obtain the address of the new Customer Happiness Office and the addresses of its Customer Happiness Centers and Offices all over the state, as well as reaching it through “Google Maps”, through its website ( (FAIC Customer Happiness Centers) on the Homepage of the website.

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