“FAIC” launches its new website with interactive services that match customers’ wishes

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (“FAIC”) has launched its new website with a new look, which is characterized by its modern and innovative design. It focuses on ease of use, adds flexibility and simplicity and brevity of the steps needed by the visitor to access the information he is looking for, and highlights the priority basic services on Homepage and enables the customer to initiate the procedures of obtaining them with one click.

The new website, which was launched on the margin of the 37th cycle of “GITEX Technology Week 2017” in Dubai, provides electronic services that are provided by FAIC in a modern interactive manner, which was formulated according to the wishes of the customers and based on the results of the surveys and studies conducted by FAIC to identify their preferences, the website prioritizes the contents with higher turnout.

The website offers its visitors a new and distinct service, which is to identify the waiting time in each of customer happiness centers of FAIC, the nearest center location to customer and the time it takes to reach it, while highlighting the services provided by FAIC to individuals and institutions within one address includes the issuance, renewal and replacement of Emirates ID card, apply for exemption from delay fees and provide opinions and proposals, as well as institutional services provided by FAIC to the public and private sectors, which includes data matching and processes of Verification Gateway (VG).

The features of the new website include the possibility of customizing the specifications as desired by the customer such as changing colors and using the night reading feature, which enables the customer to control the degrees of lighting on the screen that the customer is using to browse the website as desired, and increasing the efficiency of the search tools therein to provide multiple options for the browsing person, which expect his requirements according to the search word entered, which will increase the speed of accessing to the information, and providing the feature of converting voice to written text and using it in search in both Arabic and English.

Abdul Aziz Al Ma’amari, Director of Government and and Community Communications at FAIC, said that the redesign of the FAIC website and the addition of more services to it according to the best international standards comes as part of its endeavor to make it the first channel through which it provides its services and the basic reference that the customer can use to obtain reliable and accurate information, in order to achieve excellence in services and to continue to lead in performance and development in various aspects of its institutional work, which is in line with the leadership approach and reflects its guidance in achieving electronic and smart transformation, providing advanced services for nationals and residents and making it accessible at all times and from anywhere.

Al-Ma’amari added that among the new features of the new website is the possibility of translating content in all languages of the world so that the browsing person can understand the information needed in his mother tongue, and using Hamad character as a guide to help and identify the most important features of the website in an interactive way based on a virtual tour, which “Hamad” accompanied takes the Visitor in a tour to the various sections and explains what each section contains of information, services and features.

Al-Ma’amari added that FAIC has been very keen to present in the new website, the channels of communication to its customers in a simplified way, in order to enhance their interaction with them and get benefit from their experiences, ideas and impressions, and to identify and analyze their trends and needs regarding the services provided to them, and thus to monitor, promote and build upon the strengths towards more excellence, and identify the weaknesses to develop performance and continue its way towards excellence and creativity

He pointed out that the site launched an innovative design of service identification cards that will make it very easy for the customer to identify the procedures of obtaining the service, know the documents required to submit the application, the fees due to each of them, the steps of the customer’s journey until completion and all related matters such as evaluation and the number of transactions completed.

Al-Mamari confirmed that the design of the new website takes into account the best international standards of quality and security, and ensures the ease of browsing and access to information of interest to the visitor in the least time and effort possible, where the information is organized in a way to ensure the effectiveness and smooth navigation and the distribution of icons and content on the screen according to the best standards and provide the highest levels of comfort to the eyes of the reader, and ensures the preservation of visual identity of FAIC.

Al-Mamari added that FAIC is keen to update the content of its website on a daily basis to provide comprehensive information about its projects and activities on one hand, and to provide the customer with full knowledge of all its services and procedures for obtaining them. He pointed out the development of voice navigation service to meet the needs of the visually impaired people of determination and enable them to get benefit from FAIC services, and continue to provide the service (inquire about the status of application) and (the service of inquire about the status of the Emirates card at Emirates Post).

Al-Mamari pointed out that the launch of the new website comes within the framework of FAIC to achieve the third objective of its Strategic Plan 2017-2021, which is to ensure the provision of all administrative services in accordance with the standards of quality and efficiency transparency by Enhancing the section of open data through which it provides official statistics on the number of electronic transactions achieved in each of its priority services, as well as the statistics of the number of Emirates ID cards that are printed and delivered to customers, which covers several years.