“FAIC” and “Federal Electricity & Water Authority” sign a memo of rationalizing consumption in its facilities

Sunday 15 October 2017

FAIC and Federal Electricity & Water Authority have signed a memorandum of understanding by virtue of which the last shall provide the necessary support to FAIC to reduce the consumption of electricity and water in all its facilities, including its main management building, Emirates Card Factory and the customer happiness centers all over the state through the dissemination of culture of energy efficiency and rationalization of water consumption and installation of the necessary equipment for this purpose.

In accordance with the memorandum, the Federal Electricity and Water Authority provides technical support to FAIC’s centers to implement the initiatives of increasing the efficiency of electricity use in its buildings in all the areas it serves at all over the state, to provide FAIC with data and studies showing the rates of electricity and water consumption in these centers, to appoint coordinators and field technical team to follow up the implementation of the project in cooperation with the concerned FAIC’s team, as well as organizing workshops and training courses to raise awareness in this field with their employees.

The memorandum, signed by HE Dr. Saeed Abdullah bin Mutlaq Al Ghafli, Director General of FAIC, and HE Mohamed Mohamed Saleh, Director General of FEWA, aims at developing a joint strategy for cooperation and coordination to raise awareness of the importance of culture of rationalization and conservation of energy and water resources among the FAIC’s employees and its customers as one of the moral and religious values.

FAIC provides the Federal Electricity and Water Authority with statistical data on the population of the State that supports its ability to carry out studies to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of the use of these two sources, as well as the necessary support for the awareness campaigns carried out in this regard.

His Excellency Dr. Saeed Abdullah bin Mutlaq Al Ghafli said that the signing of this Memorandum comes within the framework of FAIC to devote a culture of rationalization of consumption, especially in energy and water resources, to contribute to protecting the environment in the state. It supports projects that sustain their natural resources and reduce the causes of pollution generated specially from excessive consumption of energy resources.

He added that, FAIC is guided by the directives of the wise leadership of the State to give utmost importance to the environmental aspects of the various projects and development initiatives and the activities emanating from it. This is an incentive for FAIC to strive in a constant and continuous manner to enhance the awareness of its staff, at levels of all its departments and organizational units, of the importance of implementing sustainable development practices and reducing the harmful effects of daily work activities in a manner that reflects their commitment to the principles

of sustainable development and their concern for the preservation of the environment.

Dr. Al Ghafli stressed FAIC’s keenness to enhance the awareness of its human cadres and its customers about the importance of saving energy and water and adopting a sustainable lifestyle in the home and work, and inviting them to use conservation techniques and devices to contribute to the preservation of the environment and supports the strategy of the government of the state to achieve the pillars of the UAE vision 2021 on sustainable development.

Dr. Al Ghafli noted that since 2014, FAIC has adopted the “Green Buildings” initiative, which aims at transforming all its facilities into environmentally friendly buildings that rely on the efficient use of electricity, water and other resources by providing them with energy efficient systems. Accordingly, FAIC decreased carbon print in its permanent centers all over the state to 7 tons / person, according to a study conducted by FAIC in cooperation with “Masdar” company.

HE Mohammed Mohammed Saleh, Director General of the Federal Authority for Electricity and Water, said that FEWA is constantly seeking to develop specific mechanisms for cooperation and coordination with its various strategic partners from both the public and private sectors, with the aim of reducing electricity and water consumption and establishing a culture of rationalization in the UAE community in general. Which is supervised by FEWA in particular, based on the desire of FEWA to contribute to achieve the vision of the State of 2021 in relation to sustainable development.

Saleh pointed to the commitment of FEWA under the agreement signed with FAIC, to install the devices and parts provided for water consumption in ten customer happiness centers in the Northern Emirates, as well as provide technical support for the implementation of initiatives to increase the efficiency of electricity consumption in the centers mentioned, pointing to the signing of the Federal Electricity and Water Authority to a number of similar agreements with several governmental entities in the state recently, and the continuation of the FEWA’s efforts to sign agreements supporting rationalization efforts with other entities in the coming period.