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Page last updated on : 14/03/2021 - 5:10 pm

Executive Director of the General Director for Residency and Foreigners Affairs –RAK Pays a Visit to RAKEZ Services Centre


His. Excellency Major General Sultan Yousif Al Nuaimi, Executive Director of the General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs – Ras Al Khaimah paid a visit to Services Centre at Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zone “RAKEZ”. Al Nuaimi inspected the work progress with the strategic partners in respect of the services delivered by the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship “ICA”.
Al Nuaimi discussed with the key partners their proposals & requirements in order to be capable of delivering highly quick, convenient, and efficient services to their valued customers including investors and entrepreneurs.
He further discussed with the ICA employees at RAKEZ Services Centre and listened to their feedback and proposals for improving the workflow mechanism and working environment as well. He praised their kind efforts urging them to pursue high quality performance in line with the best standards of excellence and creativity.

During his visit, H.E Major General Al Nuaimi was accompanied with both Mr. Yasser Al Ahmed, free zones Public Relations Manager and Mr. Mohamed Ghanem Mostafa, General Manager of RAK Broadcasting Authority (RAK Radio).

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