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Page last updated on : 25/02/2021 - 7:22 am

“EmiratesID” Organizes National and Traditional Events to Celebrate the Martyrs’ Day and the National Day


Congratulating the Good Leadership and the UAE People for the 2 Occasions

Dr. Al Ghafli calls for evoking the meanings of the Martyr’s Day and the National Day by diligence and Sincerity

Expressing to the martyrs relatives the feelings of pride of their unprecedented giving

The UAE Federation is solid, lofty deeply rooted in the depth of history

The Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA) took part with the state organizations and the UAE people in the celebration of the Martyrs’ Day and the 44th National Day. On these occasions, it organized many national events at its headquarters and its customer service centers at the state level.

Today morning, it initiated its celebrations with the events of the Martyrs’ Day by hanging the flag at half and educating the staff the importance, significance and great meaning of such Day, aiming at honoring the martyrs of the nations and commemorate their sacrifices so that they would remain engraved in the memory of generations. That was followed by a gathering of all employees in the main courtyard of the headquarters. HE Dr. Saeed Abdullah bin Mutlaq Al Ghafli, the Director General of the Authority, raised the flag, while the national anthem was being played and the staff was singing it. They stood up a minute to pray for the righteous martyrs so that Allah would grant them His mercy and accommodate them in His paradise.

In a speech to the staff, Dr. Al Ghafli called them for carefully evoking the meanings and lessons taken from the Martyr’s Day and the National Day, which meanings and lessons would create a feeling of pride and glory and simulate within each citizen loyalty to his nation and good leadership. He stressed that the one of the most important lessons that we all could learn in this national school would be dedication to work, diligence and giving so that everyone in his place and where he works would contribute to uphold the banner of the nation, raise its rank and serve its children.

Dr. Al Ghafli said that the soldiers of the nation, who were involved in a battle of honor and redemption to defend the security and stability of the nation, grant victory to their brothers and prevent injustice and aggression, were a good example of the nation love and redemption and enduring the hardship and difficulties to do their duty and protect the nation’s banner. He added that the individuals of the valiant armed forces on all of their sites persistently protected each part of the nation day and night. They had unwavering determination to protect the boundaries and provide all of us with security, safety and peace of mind. For such sacrifices, it is their right that we should express our love and loyalty to them. We should share with them the feelings of loyalty, belonging and giving so that the Emirates of goodness would be built up and we could achieve prosperity for our children under the wise leadership.

Dr. Al Ghafli stated: “In this blessed day, we extend greetings of pride and glory to this precious group of the nation’s sons who wrote with their virtuous blood the greatest saga of redemption and sincerity and gave their souls to defend the land of our nation. We express to their fathers, mothers, relatives and children our feelings of pride of such unprecedented giving. We emphasize that we are with them and belong to them. The sacrifices of their sons will remain as a debt with us and a school from which the generation will learn the meanings of manliness, nationality, pride and dignity.”

The Authority celebrated the National Day. Dr. Al Ghafli and the Heads of the Sectors and Departments participated in the national, popular and traditional events, which were organized by the staff for such precious occasion and in which they expressed their love to the nation, belonging to its virtuous land and loyalty to its good leadership which made out of the Emirate a nation whose individuals are proud of before the whole world for its progress and advancement as well as the good and generous life it offers to its individuals and guests.

In his speech on such occasion, Dr. Al Ghafli asserted that the unitary experience of the state of the United Arab Emirates was one of the most successful experiences the Arab and international levels, especially that it came out of deeply rooted ties of language, religion and blood and was well established throughout 44 years till it became a solid, lofty, modem and developed state blessed with political, economic and social stability and distinguished by the highest levels of harmony, affection, cohesion and solidarity between its good leadership and sincere people.

Dr. Al Ghafli remembered with all appreciation and respect the founder of the state and the builder of its revival, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan “may Allah rest his soul.”, and his brother rulers who laid the foundations of the federation and prepared its individuals to be the base of the development, considering that they were the most precious wealth owned by the nation and the pivot of all efforts to construction and progress.

Dr. Al Ghafli congratulates His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan “may Allah protect him” and his brothers: His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai ” may Allah protect him “, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Forces armed and Their Highnesses Supreme Council Members and Rulers of the Emirates. He prayed Allah – The Al Mighty – to repeat such occasions as Their Highnesses enjoy good health and long age and the UAE people has victory and more progress and welfare.

On behalf of all staff of the Authority, Dr, Al Ghafli congratulates His Highness Sheikh Hazza bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the National Security Advisor and the Chairman of Emirates Identity Authority, Lt. General Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, and the Board members, promising Their Highnesses that the EIDA would be, as they want, an example of corporate work and an active contributor to the UAE Vision 2021.

The EIDA customer service centers participated with the UAE people and residents in celebrating the National Day out of their interest in promoting the national identity and the values of belonging and loyalty to the nation and its good leadership, welcoming its iconic figures and establishing the meanings of the national cohesion. Its staff expressed their pride of the UAE achievements in the different aspects of the human, economic and social life as well as the other areas of development and growth experienced by the federation.

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