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Page last updated on : 08/05/2022 - 9:59 pm

Emirates ID’s website gets 6 million hits in one year

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The total number of hits that the Emirates Identity Authority’s website got between November 1, 2010 and November 20, 2011 rose to 5,824,681, while the number of the website’s visitors rose to 1,458,782 during the same period.

This specific increase in the number of visitors of the Emirates Identity Authority’s website proves the importance of the website as a major source of information related to the Emirates Identity Authority and an effective means of communication between the Emirates Identity Authority and its target audience.

The “ID Card Status” eService, which was launched by the Emirates Identity Authority on its website, is witnessing a large turnout of customers interested in being familiar with the current status of their transactions.

The page dealing with the population register and ID card registration procedures is one of the most viewed pages of the Emirates Identity Authority’s website, and so are the homepage and the publications page.

The list of countries whose citizens visited the Emirates Identity Authority’s website included the US, the UK, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Germany, France, India and many other Arab and foreign countries.

It is noteworthy that the Emirates Identity Authority uses Google Analytics system to obtain the figures and data related to its website, thanks to its credibility and precise data.

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