“Emirates Identity Authority” to save Abu Dhabi health sector 750,000 hours per year

Saturday 23 April 2011

The Emirates Identity Authority has signed a co-operation agreement for unifying the use of ID card in Abu Dhabi health sector with Abu Dhabi Health Authority, Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (Seha) and National Health Insurance Company – Daman at Abu Dhabi Health Authority headquarters.

The agreement was signed by H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, H.E. Zaid Al Saksak, Director General of Abu Dhabi Health Authority, H.E. Saif Bader Al Qubaisi, Managing Director of Seha, and Mr. Michael Peters, Daman CEO.

The agreement is aimed at activating the ID system in the health services sector in Abu Dhabi through joint co-ordination among all the signatories to the agreement.

The agreement rests on an array of initiatives that will provide in their entirety an integrated frame of joint work among the four parties through which the administrative and technological systems of the health and health insurance services providers in Abu Dhabi will be upgraded in such a manner that these systems will integrate and be compatible with the major themes of the ID system as stipulated in the Federal Law no. (9) for 2006 with respect to the population register and ID card system.

Under the co-operation agreement, Abu Dhabi Health Authority will establish rules and regulations for the health services sector in the emirate through which the ID card will be adopted as a basic document for identifying the identity of health insurance card holders when patients visit the emirate’s hospitals, clinics and medical centers.

To streamline the agreement, Abu Dhabi Health Authority will establish rules and regulations for the health services sector in Abu Dhabi through which all heath services providers in the emirate will be obligated to link the patient’s medical file number with the individual’s identity card number once it is available and recorded in the patient’s transactions and files and to use the ID card number for organizing and keeping these transactions and files.

Abu Dhabi Health Authority will also establish rules and regulations for the health insurance sector in Abu Dhabi through which all health insurance companies in Abu Dhabi will be obligated to link the customer’s health insurance file number with the individual’s ID card number once it is available and recorded in the customer’s transactions and files and to use the ID card number for organizing and keeping these transactions and files.

Meanwhile, the Emirates Identity Authority and Abu Dhabi Health Authority will streamline their electronic connection initiative through which the population register data will be updated upon the issuance of the individual’s birth and death certificates so that the parents’ ID card number will be linked with the individual’s birth certificate and the individual’s ID card number will be linked with his/her death certificate.

Streamlining this significant initiative contained in the co-operation agreement will contribute to maintaining a precise and up-to-date population register in which births and deaths will be recorded instantly as soon as they occur.

Seha was keen to be the first health services company in Abu Dhabi to join the agreement, and so was Daman, which was the first health insurance company in Abu Dhabi to join it.

Seha and Daman, in collaboration with the Emirates Identity Authority and Abu Dhabi Health Authority, will upgrade their administrative and technological systems to integrate and be compatible with the major themes of the ID card system. They will start to record the ID card number in the individuals’ transactions, records and files and to use it for organizing them, thereby giving easy access to them and avoiding repeated files due to the fact that an ID card number is constant, unified, unique and unchangeable and is associated with its holder for ever and not given to another person after his/her death.

Activating the ID card system will also contribute to substantiating the identities of customers and confirming that their personal data are correct and accurate before being approved and inserted in their health and health insurance files. Besides, such activation will help verify health insurance transactions so as to avoid misuse and subsequent detriment to the health sector.

Seha and Daman will electronically activate the ID card in their internal systems by fitting smart card readers, which will enable these systems to access the personal data of the ID card holder in a direct, fast and precise manner and ensure the flow of these data to the internal systems in a few seconds, thereby saving customers long minutes of waiting.

The smart card readers will also save Abu Dhabi health and health insurance sector around 750,000 hours per year, according to a study recently conducted by Abu Dhabi Health Authority. In addition, these readers play a role in correctly inputting these data, which are identical with the individual’s data as recorded in the population register, thereby ensuring the establishment of accurate and up-to-date records.

It is worthwhile that in 2010 the Emirates Identity Authority established the “ID Card Reader Software Development Kit“, Which made it easy for organizations to develop the ID card data reading software and list them in their internal systems automatically and smoothly with full compatibility with a collection of most used programming languages in the world of information systems.