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Page last updated on : 07/12/2021 - 8:48 pm

Emirates Identity Authority participates in workshop on Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030

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The Emirates Identity Authority participated in a workshop on the “Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030”, which was organized by the Department of Economic Development in Abu Dhabi.

The Emirates Identity Authority’s delegation participating in the workshop was familiarized with Abu Dhabi economic vision and how far the Emirates Identity Authority’s new strategy 2010-2013 is in harmony with it.

The Department of Economic Development stressed the importance of the role played by the Emirates Identity Authority through its population register system, which is regarded as a significant and reliable source for providing vital statistical data about the UAE population.

Meanwhile, the Emirates Identity Authority emphasized that it is prepared for supporting all government entities across the UAE by providing them with the data they need from the population register.

It is worthwhile that the Department of Economic Development is one of the major entities benefiting from the Emirates Identity Authority’s data for conducting studies and implementing initiatives that would boost Abu Dhabi’s economic standards.

The workshop was attended by H.E. Yousef Al Bulooshi, Chief Executive Officer of Registration Centers, and a number of departmental directors at the Emirates Identity Authority.

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