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Page last updated on : 23/01/2022 - 7:31 am

Emirates Identity Authority participates in International Labor Day

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The Emirates Identity Authority participated in the activities of the International Labor Day which were organized by the Sharjah International Airport Free Zone.

The Emirates Identity Authority’s participation in these activities comes as part of the social initiatives, which it is keen to streamline in a bid to communicate with the different sections of the society.

The Emirates Identity Authority sponsored the volleyball activities and its public relations and marketing team communicated with the public and answered their queries about registration in ID card and population register.

A number of cultural, health and awareness activities as well as sports contests and sport activities including cricket, cycling and a marathon were also held.

The activities were attended from the Emirates Identity Authority by Mr. Ismael Fadlullah, Director of Dubai and Northern Emirates Centers, and Mr. Abdul Aziz Al Maamari, Director of Public Relations and Marketing, and were organized by Mr. Amer Al Muhri, First Public Relations Administrator, and Mr. Abdullah Tahnoun, Assistant Services Administrator.

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