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Page last updated on : 27/03/2022 - 11:04 am

Emirates Identity Authority participates in European workshop on electronic ID and digital signature authentication and identification

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The Emirates Identity Authority participated in a workshop on electronic ID and digital signature authentication and identification, which was organized by the European Commissariat and concluded yesterday Tuesday in Brussels, capital of Belgium. The workshop was attended by a number of senior concerned government officials from all countries of the European Union.

H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, said: “The Emirates Identity Authority’s participation in such specialized global events, conferences and workshops reflects its keenness on communicating and interacting with the international and global agencies and organizations based on the belief that we are part of a large and changing world and can have a positive effect on it through exchanging expertise and demonstrating the UAE’s distinguished and successful experiences.”

Al Khouri clarified that the Emirates Identity Authority’s participation in this workshop, which came at an official invitation from the organizer, would reflect positively on its projects in general and those related to information security in particular, which are expected to contribute to building a knowledge-based economy according to well though out plans. He stressed the importance of the digital ID project and its role in creating an advanced system for protecting data according to the world’s most advanced criteria that are applied in this field.

Al Khouri pointed out that the contemporary world become more connected and collaborative under the sweeping information revolution and the advanced economies and developing countries have no alternative other than depending on networks and electronic platforms to exchange information because doing without such networks and electronic platforms would hinder the progress of the countries in question and have a negative impact on their economic growth.

The workshop discussed a number of technological, social and legislative themes though it focused on legislation due to its significant role in creating a system that protects both the user and the service provider, he said. The workshop reviewed the mechanisms used for formulating such policies that contribute to enhancing information security and protecting the data on networks, he added.

It is noteworthy that the workshop saw the participation of a large elite group of researchers and experts in the field of electronic ID and digital signature authentication and identification and electronic encryption in addition to a number of judges and lawyers working in the legislation field.

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