The Emirates Identity Authority has participated in the annual conference organized in London by the British Standards Institution (BSI) under the sponsorship of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).
The Emirates Identity Authority’s delegation was familiarized with the best practices and additions, how to benefit from the Microsoft Report Builder and the possibility of using the software for managing the training and awareness activities at the Emirates Identity Authority.
While the participants in the conference reviewed the most important improvements that should be introduced to the software as part of its future updates, the Emirates Identity Authority’s delegation made a suggestion for introducing the applications of tablet PCs, improving the user management mechanism and using simpler screens for easy use by ordinary users.
Delegations from many global and British organizations participated in the conference to showcase their best practices in using the Entropy Software, which the Emirates Identity Authority obtained to manage its quality, verification and development activities.
The Emirates Identity Authority’s delegation also met with Sir David John, BSI Chairman, Mr. Howard Kerr, Chief Executive of BSI Group, and Mr. Rob Wallis, BSI Managing Director for EMEA Region. The meeting discussed aspects of joint co-operation and how to bolster it in future.
In order to be familiarized with the best government practices in the field of Investors in People (IIP), the Emirates Identity Authority’s delegation visited the Passports and ID Services Department at the British Ministry of Interior, which employs 3,500 people in its registration centers across the UK and is charged with tasks that are similar in their nature to the Emirates Identity Authority’s activities. The delegation paid another visit to the Municipal Council of Kensington and Chelsea, noting that the two entities were awarded IIP certificates years ago.
The delegation was also familiarized with the curricula used in these two government entities including the use of teams of well-trained internal residents together with software concerned with the management of training, learning and knowledge and comparing the internally attained results with the world’s best practices or the average results as per the geographical zone. How to plan for continuous corporate learning through the strategic plan to achieve ambitious targets for the continuous and systematic growth of an organization was also investigated.
The Emirates Identity Authority’s delegation consisted of Mr. Saeed Al Junaibi, Quality Manager, and Mr. Ayman Ghunaim, Higher Management Deputy Representative for Quality.
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