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Page last updated on : 06/01/2022 - 10:21 am

Emirates Identity Authority exchanges expertise with Dubai Roads and Transport Authority

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A team from the Emirates Identity Authority has visited the Roads and Transport Authority in Dubai with the aim of exchanging expertise and getting familiarized with the best practices. The visit comes as part of the Emirates Identity Authority’s keenness and diligent endeavor to benefit from the experiences of others to carry on its development process.

A joint meeting was held during which all the themes of the human resources plan were discussed and the training plan was reviewed together with the different methods for assessing performance. The meeting also reviewed the electronic system used for human resources, the method used for measuring job satisfaction and the themes related to Dubai Government Excellence Award. Besides, the meeting was familiarized with the Roads and Transport Authority’s incentives and bonus system.

Meanwhile, the Emirates Identity Authority’s team explained the Emirates ID’s new strategy and the registration plan emanating from it. The delegation also presented a synopsis of the most prominent strategic projects and initiatives, which are being implemented by the Emirates Identity Authority, and talked about the importance and uses of the ID card.

The Emirates Identity Authority’s delegation members included Khawala Al Tayer, HR Director, Abdullah Al Kindi, Chief Operating Officer, Samia Al Sheikh, Acting Director of Planning, Aysha Al Raisi, Project Manager, Amani Al Hosani, Training and Development Administrator, Ibrahim Al-Hammadi, Appointment Administrator, and Hisham Al-Mahdi, First Internal Auditor.

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