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Page last updated on : 21/11/2021 - 8:26 pm

Emirates Identity Authority and Abu Dhabi Systems & Information Centre discuss “Activation of Electronic ID Applications” project

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H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, has instructed that all the requirements of the Abu Dhabi Systems & Information Centre be fulfilled as part of the Emirates ID’s diligent endeavor to provide the best solutions and technological methods that support the Centre’s aspirations.

During a joint meeting between the two sides, Al Khouri reiterated the Emirates Identity Authority’s keenness and endeavor to carry out the activation of electronic ID applications project as per the time plan in line with the objectives set for this significant strategic project.

H.E. Rashed Lahej Al Mansouri, Director General of Abu Dhabi Systems & Information Centre, praised the efforts exerted to complete work in the project, noting that the online services provided by Abu Dhabi eGovernment support the use of ID card as a fundamental tool for verifying the identity of the beneficiaries of these services.

During the meeting, the Emirates Identity Authority made a presentation showing the progress achieved in the project and the time plan for the remaining stages of work, considering that the technical work of the project is expected to be completed by the end of April this year, God willing.

The meeting recommended that it is necessary to implement a number of initiatives that would enhance the value of ID card and ensure the building of an online dealing culture as regards the importance of using the ID card.

It is worthwhile that the strategic objective of the activation of electronic ID applications project lies in protecting and ensuring online dealings across the UAE through both the services of verifying the identity of and identifying the beneficiaries of these services.

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