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Page last updated on : 09/08/2022 - 5:50 pm

Emirates Identity and Citizenship Academy organizes “Share My Knowledge” Workshop


The Emirates Identity and Citizenship Academy has organized a workshop titled “Share My Knowledge” in the frame of its training program, which aims at benefiting from the various competences and expertise of the ICA to develop the knowledge and skills of the employees in different positions and exchange their experiences to overcome the challenges that may face them in performing their tasks.

The workshop was introduced by Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed Al Dallal, from the Department of Government Communication in the General Directorate of Foreigners Affairs and Ports, through which he reviewed the duties of the government communication team and their work mechanisms, and the best practices applied by ICA in the field of corporate communication.

During the workshop, Al Dallal explained the role of government communication in promoting ICA and raising the awareness of the persons who are concerned with its strategies, operations, services, and achievements, in a manner that contributes to raising the profile and status of ICA.

He reviewed the work priorities of the departments of government communication, and the initiatives and projects it implements, as well as the enablers, performance indicators, the internal/external target audience, and the best practices of ICA in communication.


For more information about Emirates Academy for Identity & Citizenship click here

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