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Emirates Identity and Citizenship Academy organizes “Female Employees Happiness” Workshop


Thursday 11 July 2019

ICA’s Emirates Identity and Citizenship Academy organized a workshop for the female employees at ICA and the female students at the Academy titled “Female Employees Happiness” aiming at introducing the importance of happiness and its impact on the individuals in public and work environment.


The workshop, which was presented by Dr. Manahel Fathi Salem and witnessed by Colonel Mohamed Al Amri, Director of Academy, included an illustration on the importance of maintaining the feeling of happiness and optimism among individuals, in addition to the successful methods of promoting the positive energy in our self and the way to self-motivation. This would contribute to enabling the individuals to succeed on the personal and career levels.


Dr. Manahel discussed, during the workshop which witnessed a remarkable attendance of female employees and students, the positive impacts of happiness on employees career, and assured the importance of promoting the self-motivation among them and the how-to better utilize it to reflect on the relationships among colleagues and dealing with customers, the matter which would contribute to making them happy and providing them with the most professional services.


The workshop emphasized the status of women in the family and her central role in making her family members happy and fostering positive energy among them, the matter which would be reflected in the unity and cohesion of family relationships. This would contribute to the success of each member of the family through building positive relationships with others, facilitating the focus on his work and study, and in turn, his success in all life aspects.

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