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Page last updated on : 22/12/2022 - 3:45 pm

Emirates ID signs “service level” agreement with Emirates Post to upgrade service standard

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The Emirates Identity Authority has signed a service level agreement with Emirates Post Corporation to upgrade the ID card delivery through the Emirates Post centers across the UAE.

According to the agreement, the Emirates Post will receive ID cards from the Emirates Identity Authority on a daily basis and will subsequently send SMS messages in Arabic or English (as per customer’s nationality) to customers (within less than 48 hours) calling on them to pick up their cards from an Emirates Post center or private mailboxes.

The agreement stipulates that the Emirates Post should provide weekly and monthly reports on the delivered and returned cards and the reasons and date of the return. The Emirates Post should also provide a proof that the Corporation has communicated with the customer more than once, telling him he/she should pick up his/her card.

The agreement also stipulates that the lost ID cards or the cards sent to the wrong person should not exceed 0.1 per cent of the total cards annually delivered by the Emirates Identity Authority to the Emirates Post. It is stipulated that customers’ complaints about the Emirates Post’s services should not exceed 1 per cent of the overall cards delivered monthly.

As per the agreement, signboards should be placed inside the Emirates Post centers illustrating where to receive ID cards. Brochures pertaining to the Emirates Identity Authority should also be provided regularly to ensure the provision of the best services to customers in line with the Emirates Identity Authority’s standards. In parallel, a mechanism to measure customers’ satisfaction with the agreed on services should be provided on monthly and quarterly bases.

The agreement was signed during a press conference held at the Emirates Identity Authority-affiliated Emirates Smart Card Factory in Abu Dhabi yesterday in the presence of H.E. Dr. Engl. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, and H.E. Abdullah Al Ashram, CEO of Emirates Post.

H.E. Mohamed Al Mazrouei, Executive Director of Population Register at the Emirates Identity Authority, said: “The service level agreement signed with the Emirates Post Corporation comes within the framework of the Emirates Identity Authority’s focus on customers, these being the theme of its strategic values and the top of its priorities. It is based on the belief of the Emirates Identity Authority’s Higher Management that the only criterion of success is customer satisfaction and drawing a smile on their faces.”

The ID card delivery mechanism passed through several stages and faced many challenges including the inability of mail companies and couriers across the UAE to keep pace with the rapid growth of the number of registrants in ID card, he added, praising the strategic partnership between the Emirates Identity Authority and Emirates Post, which resulted in mechanisms and systems of work that led to the delivery of more than 1.8 million ID cards to their owners over 11 months out of more than 2 million and 69 thousand cards that were delivered to the Emirates Post in February 2011 including 337,000 cards that were delivered to their owners through their own P. O. boxes in mid-September.

In this connection, Al Mazrouei pointed out that more than 250,000 ID cards are ready for delivery at the post centers for months now but have not been picked up yet although their owners have been notified several times. He called on customers to pick up their cards within 30 days from the date of notification to avoid any damage to their cards.

Al Mazrouei noted that the Emirates Identity Authority, in co-operation with Emirates Post, allowed customers to select the way to receive their cards, either through their personal P. O. boxes or through an Emirates Post center as selected when filling out the e-form at the typing centers.

Meanwhile, Al Ashram underlined the Emirates Post’s keenness on providing the best services to its customers including those of the Emirates Identity Authority.

This agreement reflects the Emirates Identity Authority’s keenness on dealing attentively with its customers’ needs, noting the strategic partnership which is existing for months now between the Emirates Identity Authority and the Emirates Post Corporation and is constantly developing in terms of raising the daily ID card delivery capacity or ensuring the provision of the best services to the customers of both parties.

Al Ashram pointed out that the rate of delivery of ID cards to their owners across the UAE stood at around 12,000 cards per day and is constantly on the rise, revealing that 92 per cent of customers pick up their ID  cards within 14 days from notification including 40 per cent who pick their cards within 2 days.

Al Ashram indicated that the head office of the Emirates Post Corporation in Abu Dhabi last week experienced a breakdown in its system, which led to a heavy workload but was handled instantly. He affirmed that Emirates Post took the necessary measures for such breakdowns not to take place again based on its keenness on gaining the satisfaction of its customers and its commitment to the service level agreements signed with its partners. He noted that work in all other Emirates Post centers across the UAE was running in the best way.

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