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Page last updated on : 25/08/2022 - 8:17 pm

Emirates ID participates in 2nd forum of Distinguished Government Service Program

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A number of employees from the Emirates Identity Authority have participated in the second forum of the Emirates Distinguished Government Service Program, which was organized by the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs and attended by 300 employees from the different federal entities across the UAE.

The forum is aimed at enhancing the best practices and exchanging expertise and knowledge among the federal and local government and semi-government entities and the private sector establishments.

During the forum, Ohood Al Roumi, Director General of the Prime Minister’s Office, underlined the importance of carrying on these activities based on the government’s keenness on streamlining knowledge exchange in consolidation of the concept of communication and creative development of government services in all federal entities. This will help federal entities achieve their corporate excellence, focus on customers and on responding to them in a timely manner and ensure that the service is compatible with the citizens’ aspirations and needs, she added.

The Emirates Identity Authority is keen on attending the forums and training courses of the Distinguished Government Service Program in a bid to upgrade its services and develop its techniques. As many as 351 employees participated in the training courses held recently as part of the Emirates Distinguished Government Service Program.

The Emirates Identity Authority’s employees in Dubai and the other emirates benefited from 25 training courses. As many as 244 Emirates Identity Authority employees from Abu Dhabi are scheduled to take part in new training courses during the first quarter of this year. These employees are divided into 10 groups.

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