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Page last updated on : 23/02/2021 - 8:48 pm

“Emirates ID” Organizes “Government Leadership and Innovation” Workshop for its Leaders


Emirates Identity Authority organized a workshop under the title of “Government Leadership and Innovation” which aimed at raising the awareness of the importance of this novel approach adopted by  the public sector in the country and the role of institutional leaders in embracing this concept at work, and encouraging human resources to instill this institutional innovation culture in them.

The workshop, which was attended by Dr. Saeed bin Mutlaq Al Ghafli, the Director General of the authority along with managers of the sectors, departments and organizational units, included a detailed presentation demonstrating the innovation-related concepts and their significance, and the scientific approaches that should be observed by all governmental entities in order to instill the innovation culture and promote creativity in their employees.

Furthermore, the workshop, which was hosted by Dr. Sami Mahroum, Manager of INSEAD initiative and an advisory board member at Mohammed bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation, reviewed the Innovative leadership requirements, and employee stimulating mechanisms aiming at utilizing their creative potentials and ideas through effective performance programs, and thus enabling the institutions to implement their projects and realize their strategic goals with quality and efficiency.

Mahroum pointed out during the workshop, which was held at the Authority’s headquarters in Abu Dhabi, that among the main goals of instilling innovation culture in the public sector is to offer innovative services fulfilling the needs and desires of the customers and exceeding  their expectations, as in alignment with the approach of the wise leadership of the country which stresses the need for going beyond all that is orthodox in the government work, and focusing on creativity and innovation in order to achieve the government mission, that is; “Make people happy”.

At the end of the workshop, Mahroum exhibited a number of globally successful innovative projects that contributed to the growth and development of the relevant institutions, stressing that the reasons of success lie in committing to the proper planning standards, taking the convenient social and political decision, and practicing the application of the successful model.

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