Emirates ID organizes “Distinguished Performance” workshop

Tuesday 3 January 2012

The Emirates Identity Authority organized a workshop titled “Distinguished Performance” as part of the Higher Management’s efforts and endeavors to upgrade performance and consolidate excellence in theory and in practice. The workshop was attended by H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General.

The workshop, which was held yesterday with the participation of the executive directors, departmental directors, directors of registration centers and a number of emirates Identity Authority’s strategic partners, discussed the characteristics of overall performance in the Emirates Identity Authority’s different departments, sections and centers over 2010 and 2011.

The workshop reviewed a number of distinguished performance models related to the practical implementation of the projects and initiatives emanating from the Emirates Identity Authority’s new strategy 2010-2013.

The workshop also discussed a number of themes including the volume of achievements accomplished over the past two years and the major challenges that blocked performance together with the mechanisms set up to deal with these challenges and find the appropriate solutions for them.

The participants in the workshop were keen on conducting self assessment of performance and talking about the most important roles played by the Emirates Identity Authority’s leaderships over the past period in terms of how far they contributed to making a success of the strategy while activating its initiatives and carrying out its projects.

The participants listened to an adequate explanation of the mechanisms followed by the leaders that helped ensure distinguished performance and how to promote and consolidate them. They also listened to the practices that would need to be improved and developed in the coming period with the aim of fulfilling the concept of the organization capable of self-development and applying it to the Emirates Identity Authority.