The Emirates Identity Authority has started distributing 2 million brochures titled “Register Now.. Do not Wait until the Last Minute” in both Arabic and English through all the post office boxes across the UAE, the service centers of many UAE government entities and Emirates ID-authorized typing centers and affiliated registration centers.
H.E. Mohammed Al Harthy, Acting Executive Director of Emirates Identity Authority’s Registration Centers, clarified that this quantity of brochures came within the framework of the ongoing media campaign, which the Emirates Identity Authority launched several months ago as part of its continuous efforts to urge UAE nationals and residents to speed up registering in the ID card and renewing their expired cards and not wait until the last minute of the previously announced grace periods.
The urge is aimed for the UAE nationals and residents to avoid delay penalties and is based on the Emirates Identity Authority’s keenness on completing the population register program and ID card project, which paves the way to the stage of providing innovated services that support eGovernment, he added.
The Emirates Identity Authority has lately delivered the Emirates Post more than 450,000 copies of the “Register Now” brochure for distribution through all the post office boxes across the UAE and all Emirates Post-affiliated customer service centers as part of the strategic partnership between the Emirates Identity Authority and Emirates Post, he said.
Two weeks ago, the Emirates Identity Authority started distributing hundreds of thousands of copies of the new brochure on around 1,100 Emirates Identity Authority-authorized typing centers across the UAE, Al Harthy added, noting that several weeks ago, the Emirates Identity Authority provided tens of thousands of copies of the brochure to all its centers across the UAE as well as the registration centers attached to the preventive medicine centers, which are affiliated to EIMAS for electronic management and security solutions.
The Emirates Identity Authority also provided thousands of copies of the “Register Now” brochure through the customer service centers of many government entities that have strategic partnerships with the Emirates Identity Authority including the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs, Licensing Department and Traffic Department in Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Labor, municipalities and preventive medicine centers, he said.
Al Harthy expressed the Emirates Identity Authority’s thanks to all its strategic partners for their support, which contribute to expediting the completion of its strategic projects aimed at enhancing the national and individual security, simplifying the provision of government services and easing transactions.
Al Harthy pointed out that before the end of last October the Emirates Identity Authority distributed around 500,000 miniature copies of the “Register Now” brochure through 5 widespread local Arab and English newspapers, not to mention publishing tens of advertisements in this connection.
The “Register Now” brochure explains the procedures for first time registrations, ID card renewals and issuance of replacements, he said, adding that it also explains the ID card-residence linkage procedures, the necessary documents for completing these procedures and the fees for issuing an ID card and for the rest of services provided by the Emirates Identity Authority.
The new brochure contains the administrative delay fees and the dates of their imposition across the UAE as well as the categories exempted from these fees. It also contains a great deal of information that concern customers and is related to the mechanism of filling out the form at typing centers, dates of registration and delivery of cards. Besides, the brochure contains many registration provisions and conditions, card holder’s duties and how to inquire about the status of the request in case the ID card has not been received for more than a month.
Al Harthy noted that the distribution of such a number of brochures coincided with the Emirates Identity Authority’s launch of an advertising campaign under the slogan of “Register Now.. Do not Wait until the Last Minute” on tens of public transport buses in many emirates. The Emirates Identity Authority also updated the ID card issuance procedures on its website in the light of the Cabinet’s decision no. 25 for 2011 in 7 languages; namely, Arabic, English, French, Urdu, Hindi, Persian and Chinese, he added.
Al Harthy reiterated the Emirates Identity Authority’s call for UAE nationals and residents to register and renew the expired ID cards as soon as possible and not to wait until the last minute of the final grace periods given for registration or renewal so as to avoid delay fees. The “Register Now” campaign is expected to deal with a large section of the UAE population and to contribute to explaining the ID card issuance procedures to the customers and providing significant information for the customer to get a superb and distinguished service, he said.
It is noteworthy that the period for starting to impose delay fees on residents (above 15 years) across the UAE has been divided into 4 stages. The first stage covers all the residents in Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and Ajman in addition to all government and semi-government (federal and local) employees and their families, effective from December 1, 2011.
The second stage covers all the residents in Sharjah, effective from February 1, 2012, while the third stage covers all the residents in Abu Dhabi, effective from April 1, 2012 and the 4th stage covers the residents in Dubai, effective from June 1, 2012.
In contrast, national and resident children below 15 years were given a grace period till October 1, 2012, while those subject to the social security law and individuals with special needs and those suffering from autism were exempted from population register and ID card registration fees and from renewal fees of expired cards.
The Cabinet’s decision no. 25 for 2011 has fixed the fines at AED20 per each day of delay and a maximum of AED1,000 for the following violations: delay in registering in and issuing ID card for all categories and ages; delay in renewal of ID card for all categories and ages (30 days after the expiry of the card); delay in notifying of any change in or amendment to the individual data or civil incidents for all categories and ages (30 days after the date of occurrence of the change).
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