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Page last updated on : 21/12/2022 - 5:01 pm

Emirates ID discusses pivotal role of ID system in “First Statistical Conference”

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The Emirates Identity Authority has participated in the First National Statistical Conference, which was organized by the National Bureau of Statistics in conjunction with the Central Bank of the UAE, with a working paper titled “The pivotal role of ID system in demographic statistics and actual challenges.”

The Emirates Identity Authority’s working paper reviewed the UAE’s prudent vision and strategic objectives behind the establishment of the Emirates Identity Authority, which was tasked with establishing, registering and updating an advanced population register system for identifying and confirming the identity of every UAE national and resident legally living in the UAE through giving him/her a personal number and a smart card pertaining to his/her biometrics.

The Emirates Identity authority also discussed the challenges it faced in completing the UAE population register and the projects and initiatives emanating from its strategic plan 2010-2013 aimed at overcoming these challenges including the project of electronic linkage with the UAE organizations, which is aimed at facilitating the flow and exchange of data from their sources as soon as these data are established, so as to ensure comprehensive and up-to-date population register data and instant, accurate and high-quality demographic statistics.

In its working paper, the Emirates Identity Authority stressed the necessity for all UAE organizations concerned with civil incidents to activate the ID system themes, particularly adopting the ID card for identifying one’s identity and upgrading their administrative and technological systems to enable the ID card number to be used for keeping and organizing these transactions, registers and files.

The Emirates Identity Authority underlined the necessity for the electronic linkage projectto be carried out and for the entities concerned with demographic data to interact with this projectand strengthen their linkage with the population register system so as to ensure comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date population register data for the support of UAE decision-makers.

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