Emirates ID discusses mutual co-operation opportunities with Dubai Police’s Department of Total Quality

Wednesday 16 November 2011

A delegation from the Quality Department at the Emirates Identity Authority has discussed mutual co-operation opportunities with the Department of Total Quality at Dubai Police and how to benefit from Dubai Police’s distinguished experience in the fields of quality, excellence and measurement of customers’ opinions.

During a meeting held at the Department of Total Quality in Dubai today, the two sides agreed on working out a formula for mutual and continuous understanding and co-operation between the Emirates Identity Authority and Dubai Police, particularly in the fields of total quality, exchanging information and benchmarks and implementing programs for surveying the opinions of customers and the secret shopper. The two sides also agreed on exchanging visits to enhance and strengthen mutual co-operation.

The Emirates Identity Authority’s delegation was received by Major Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah Rashid Al Mualla, Director of Administrative Affairs Department as representative of the Department of Total Quality at Dubai Police, while the Emirates Identity Authority’s delegation included Saeed Al Junaibi, Director of Quality Department, and Ayman Ghunaim, quality specialist.