Emirates ID Director General meets a number of senior European officials in Belgium

Saturday 8 October 2011

Leading European officials have commended the UAE’s vision and strategic initiatives, particularly the technological ones, which keep pace with the language of the age and highlight the UAE leadership’s keenness on achieving its objectives as well as fulfilling its vision, consolidating the aspects of growth and prosperity, offering an environment marked with extreme security and safety and providing online services to all the population.

This was announced during a series of side meetings held by H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, on the sidelines of his participation in a government workshop on electronic ID and digital signature authentication and identification, which was organized by the European Commission and concluded recently in Brussels, capital of Belgium.

The European officials expressed their admiration of the Emirates Identity Authority’s new strategy 2010-2013 and valued the projects and initiatives implemented successfully by the Emirates Identity Authority despite the relatively short time that elapsed since the Emirates Identity Authority was established in comparison with other authorities and corporations in different other countries.

They emphasized that the population register and ID card program in the UAE is a pioneering project in terms of its objectives and components. They said they were hopeful that the project, once completed, would become an example to follow and a major element of the eTransformation process taking place in the UAE.

Meanwhile, Al Khouri met with H.E. Luc Vanneste, Director General Institutions and Population Home Office, Belgium, which was held in the Belgian Ministry of Interior, and listened from him to a presentation about the population register project in Belgium and the future projects associated with it.

The presentation clarified that the Belgian ID card is used in electronic dealings in all government and private sectors and that in more than 318 million movements per year the ID card is used as a major document for identifying the identity of individuals.

During the presentation, the main challenges that faced the Institutions and Population Home Office, Belgium, which was established in the 1960s, as well as the solutions that the Belgian government adopted to make a success of the ID project in Belgium.

In his meeting with Mr. Frank Paul, Director of Technological Systems and Biotechnologies at the European Commission, European Union Headquarters in Brussels, Al Khouri was briefed on the most important projects implemented by the European Commission including a project for inserting fingerprints in the unified visa of the European Union (Schengen), which is expected to be activated in 2015, a project for establishing electronic portal and ID management systems at outlets and other vital projects.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Pascal Millot, Deputy Head of Unit Large Scale IT Systems at the European Commission, and Mr. Abdul Aziz Al Maamari, Director of Public Relations and Marketing at the Emirates Identity Authority.

Al Khouri also met with Mr. Frank Leyman, Manager International Relations, Federal Public Service Information and Communication Technology (FEDICT) in Belgium, in the presence of Mr. Bert Beyl, eGovernment Project Manager.

Leyman made a presentation about the FEDICT’s tasks and co-ordination role in unifying efforts among the different Belgian ministries, organizations and entities as part of the legislation adopted by the European Commission.

He commended the smart projects which the UAE is implementing and are considered an example to follow by the countries of the world for applications that are undoubtedly aimed at not only enhancing the national security system but at supporting the UAE economy and providing services.

The two sides agreed to enhance their future co-operation relations and increase knowledge exchange by benefiting from the successful researches, studies, reports and experiences made by both parties in the administrative, technological and legislative fields.

Earlier, Al Khouri, during his meetings with the European officials, reviewed the Emirates Identity Authority’s new strategy 2010-2013 including its main components and its most important strategic projects and initiatives.

He also clarified the role of the UAE program for population register and ID card including their importance for supporting decision making and their contribution to developing the services provided to the population. The role of the Emirates Identity Authority in supporting the eGovernment projects in the UAE was also clarified.

Al Khouri reviewed the Emirates Identity Authority’s experience in registering the population, the new strategy and the lessons derived from it and how far both the public and private sectors in the UAE benefit from the Emirates Identity Authority’s projects, which contribute to providing innovated online services to all the population.