H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, reaffirmed that the recent circular issued by the Human Resources Department at the Emirates Identity Authority with respect to calling on employees to submit their suggestions and feedback aimed at developing work and upgrading performance would receive his personal attention and that he would read these suggestions most carefully and attentively.
During his inspection visit to Al Rashidiya Registration Center in Dubai and his meeting with the center’s family, Al Khouri said the Higher Management at the Emirates Identity Authority would be very keen on providing everything that would streamline the distinguished ideas and suggestions to be submitted by the employees.
Dealing most earnestly and attentively with all the ideas that would reflect positively on work progress would serve the Emirates Identity Authority’s strategy, which looks at the development of human resources as the most significant theme of its three-themed development plan aimed at upgrading the general performance at the Emirates Identity Authority, he added.
Al Khouri called on all employees to continue working as one team, noting that they are essential and major parts in the series of achievements accomplished by the Emirates Identity Authority. At the same time, he hailed their role and contribution to fulfilling the Emirates Identity Authority’s strategy.
He explained that it is employees who make a difference in an achievement and that the role of the Higher Management at the Emirates Identity Authority lies in drafting policies, providing potentials and finding the work environment that supports innovation and creativity. He highlighted the role of the center’s director and supervisors in achieving the objectives of the Higher Management at the Emirates Identity Authority, stressing the importance of their contribution to providing the encouraging work environment.
Al Khouri was keen on talking to the applicants and customers and inquiring about the quality and speed of the service they are provided at the registration center. They, in turn, hailed the fast completion of transactions and the short waiting period, which did not exceed 10 minutes. They also expressed their admiration of the impressive new designs of the center.
Meanwhile, Al Khouri inspected the work of the third phase of the internal design development project, which is expected to be completed this month, God willing.
Al Khouri was accompanied during the visit by H.E. Eng. Nasser Al Mazrouei, Executive Director of ICT, Mr. Abdul Aziz Al Maamari, Public Relations and Marketing Director, and Mr. Jassim Al Raeesi, director of the center.
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