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Page last updated on : 03/11/2020 - 8:22 am

Emirates ID Card as a Substitute for the Health Insurance Card of the Staff of “RTA Dubai”


RTA Dubai announced the launch of using Emirates ID Card issued by the ICA as a substitute for the health insurance card of the employees.

On last Friday, RTA Dubai stated in report posted in newspapers that the employees can just use the ID Card when dealing with the health services facilities and providers under the coverage of the insurance company, “Nextcare”. RTA Dubai indicated also that 70% of the data of the employees and their families was listed on the system through the electronic linking between the data of health insurance cards and ID cards of the beneficiaries, so that the employees can use the ID card only when dealing with the medical facilities and health services providers.

The director of the Administration Services Department at the sector of Corporate Administration Support in RTA, Nabil Al Ali, stated that the said procedure would give the ID Card a momentum through listing it in the smart services system, that works on simplifying the administrative procedures when receiving the treatment, or when dealing with the concerned medical entities by the employees, as the citizens and residents from the employees of RTA are always holding their ID card, the matter which makes it easier for them to use it at any time.

Read the full news, please click here.

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