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Page last updated on : 10/04/2022 - 1:17 pm

Emirates ID approves plan to develop call center to meet customers’ requirements

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The Higher Management Committee at the Emirates Identity Authority has approved an integrated plan to develop the Emirates ID’s call center with the aim of providing high-quality services that meet customers’ satisfaction and keeping pace with the increasing number of registrants in population register and ID card.

The committee clarified that the development of the call center would take around 3 months as per the set plan, noting that the latest technologies would be employed to meet the requirements of both the Emirates Identity Authority and customers and improve the time of response to all the inquiries and remarks received by the Emirates Identity Authority.

During its 51st regular meeting held at the Emirates Identity Authority headquarters in Abu Dhabi the day before yesterday and chaired by H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, the committee underlined its keenness on developing an advanced call center that controls the quality of calls, keeps records and ensures that the calls of all customers are answered in a record time by a dedicated team. The call center should also provide multiple channels of contact by phone, email or chat rooms to provide an excellent service to customers.

From this perspective, Al Khouri called on the competent departments at the Emirates Identity Authority to attach utmost importance to the project of developing the Emirates ID’s call center to ensure the achievement of the Emirates ID’s 4th strategic objective as embodied in upgrading customer service to the highest levels as per the world’s best standards.

Meanwhile, the Higher Management Committee at the Emirates Identity Authority underlined its keenness on speeding up the renewal procedures of ID cards for UAE nationals and residents through the typing centers.

Al Khouri called on the competent departments at the Emirates Identity Authority and the company in charge of the e-form to intensify efforts to minimize the ID card renewal procedures through the Emirates ID authorized typing centers across the UAE as soon as possible.

He stressed the Emirates Identity Authority’s keenness on facilitating the procedures of issuing ID cards and delivering them to their owners as soon as possible as part of its ongoing efforts to upgrade its services provided to the public.

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