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Page last updated on : 17/09/2020 - 6:29 am

“Electronic Queue” using ID in Dubai Municipality


The Dubai Municipality announced the application of a new mechanism in the electronic queue in its customer service centers using the ID issued by the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, to issue the queue of the customer electronically and discard the paper tickets previously applicable.

The Director of Municipality Centers Department, Abdullah AbdelRahman, stated in the newspapers issued today that the application of this initiative, which he named “Guarantee and Security of Using the ID” would discard the paper tickets. The customer would receive a text message on his mobile about the number in queue. He highlighted that the usage of the data and information stored in the ID would help in the improvement of the customer’s transaction through the categorization of the customers and preparation of packages that would be suitable to them, along with the easiness of reaching and communicating with the customer to know his needs and expectations.

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