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Page last updated on : 16/02/2021 - 2:29 pm

EIDA women come 2nd, men come 3rd in NDSC


The women’s shooting team of the Emirates ID Authority came in the second place in the National Day Shooting Championship which marks the 45th National Day while men’s came in the third place.

In the closing ceremony held yesterday night at Caracal Shooting Club in the Armed Forces Officers Club, the women’s and men’s teams were awarded silver medals and bronze medals respectively.

Organized by Remaya International in cooperation with Tawazun Holding Co. and Caracal Shooting Club under supervision of the Abu Dhabi Sports Council and sponsored by Paris Gallery and Talas, the championship kicked off on this November 14 with participation of 28 teams representing many governmental institutions. The championship has been designed to improve sporting communication, support meetings and gatherings of public authority officers, celebrate the 45th National Day, develop cooperation between the participants and support shooting development efforts and the national industry; i.e. Caracal gun manufactured by Remaya.

The championship witnessed fierce competition at different stages. The Authority’s men’s and women’s teams passed the preliminary round in 10-m shooting while the women’s team came at the top of teams that advanced to 15-m semifinals. Then the men’s and women’s team convincingly beat their respective opponents in 15-m competition to qualify for the final (20 meter shooting). The Emirates ID Authority participation is a part of its keenness to participate in national, social and sports events held by the governmental departments at the state level and let employees engage in cultural, social and sports activities held on this occasion.

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