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Page last updated on : 16/02/2021 - 2:34 pm

Dr. Al Ghafli: Commemoration Day is for icons of honor, dignity and sacrifice


HE Dr. Saeed Abdullah bin Mutlaq Al Ghafli, Director General of the Emirates ID Authority, said that the Commemoration Day aims to celebrate icons of honor, dignity and sacrifice, remembering those who made great sacrifices to defend their territories and keep their flag flying high in spite of all intrigues.

Everyone who lives on this land is deeply indebted to those who killed in action, giving their blood and souls to defend the religion and the nation’s honor and dignity, said Dr. Al Ghali. They managed to keep the flag flying and immortalize their names, he said. We all should be grateful for their deeds and remember them across generations that they fought for their country’s honor and glory.
Every citizen or resident of the UAE should appreciate the great deeds of our martyrs and wish if they could pay them back a bit of their great sacrifices, said Dr. Al Ghafli. A poet once says “To give your life is the ultimate sacrifice” and yes they did give their life to keep the flag flying high and make glorious and heroic history for their country, and thus they deserve to be called the most noble among us, he said.
The Emirates ID Authority is proud of the UAE brave martyrs who will be always remembered as their sacrifices will inspire the generations to come and introduce them to the true sense of chivalry, honor and dignity, said the director general. Their sacrifice will motivate others to give more and build their country, shining the light into their hearts and minds and highlighting the values of loyalty and sincerity, he said.

The martyrs of national duty have written a story of honor, dignity and sacrifice with their blood, showing a positive image of our champions and underlining their chivalry and gallantry, he said. They set a great example of patriotism, loyalty, sacrifice, devotion and courage for the future generations, he said. They followed the lead of their visionary leaders in supporting the sister countries and stand together in face of anyone who is tempted to threaten any member of the GCC.
“Every employee in the Emirates ID Authority is at the visionary leadership beck and call. We all are ready to give all to our country and join forces with our heroes in the armed forces to defend the UAE land and keep it safe and peaceful”, Dr. Al Ghafli said

Dr. Al Ghafli expressed admiration of the families of the martyrs who showed their loyalty to this country and offered their sons in battlefield, boosting the feelings of pride, honor and dignity among Emiratis. They set an example for courage and fortitude, he said congratulating them on the martyr status achieved by their sons who killed in action while defending their country, land and honor. It is a cherished honor for all honorable citizens, he said.

Dr. Al Ghafli prayed to God to give the martyr reward to the Emiratis killed in action and to place them with prophets and virtuous people and this is indeed the good company.

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