Directors of registration centers hold 4th regular meeting

Sunday 22 May 2011

H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, has praised the strenuous efforts exerted by the directors of registration centers as reflected by the high figures of daily registration rates and the increasing customer satisfaction rates. He commended the prominent roles of the supervisors and employees of the centers and their excellence in achieving remarkable successes for the performance of the centers in general.

Al Khouri called for streamlining the role of the directors of centers in regularly revising the strategic and operating plans and requested the directors to submit their recommendations in this connection and exercise their role in upgrading the employees of the centers in line with the general content of the strategic plan of their employees. He pointed out that around 80 per cent of the Emirates Identity Authority’s employees work in the registration centers and that the directors of centers are the significant connecting link between the Higher Management and employees.

While attending part of the 4th regular meeting of the registration centers, Al Khouri stressed the importance for the directors of centers to seek the creative and innovative environment in their centers which would contribute to developing the Emirates Identity Authority’s services, particularly that registration centers are the frontlines that are in contact with the public, noting that creativity is first and foremost the only way for development.

Al Khouri stated that the most important mainstays of the Emirates Identity Authority’s strategic plan were built on the corporate excellence approach and the three criteria that our steps should keep pace with are concentration on results as a permanent criterion for evaluating the work of the Emirates Identity Authority with its teams, committees, departments and employees alike; development and training of human resources to enable them to implement strategic plans; and finally development of the work environment that stimulates and encourages creativity and innovation.

Stressing the importance of the regular meetings of the directors of registration centers, which should support the decision-making at the Emirates Identity Authority through the studies conducted to improve its mechanisms of work, Al Khouri called for forming working teams from the centers and other organizational units to be tasked with improving the plans related to the services provided to the public and the operating plans in addition to spreading the best practices and establishing clear performance indices capable of measuring the efficiency of these teams, provided that these indices would be used for discovering the distinguished human cadres and would enable officials to be familiarized with the future leaderships.

Al Khouri stressed the necessity for the suggestion system to be activated and for sub-committees from the registration centers to be formed to study these suggestions and submit their recommendations and suggestions for implementation. He affirmed that the Higher Management Committee at the Emirates Identity Authority would allocate the budgets required for implementing these suggestions.

Meanwhile, the meeting highlighted the importance of adopting and implementing the Emirates Programme for Excellent Government Services and agreed to launch a campaign to consolidate the strategic plan and enhance the corporate values in employees through linking them with their daily tasks.

In addition, the meeting stressed the necessity to look after customers’ complaints and seek the appropriate solutions for them as soon as possible, as part of the Emirates Identity Authority’s endeavor and keenness to provide excellent services to customers.

The meeting was attended by H.E. Yousef Al Bulooshi, Chief Executive Officer of Registration Centers, Ahmed Al Khoury, Internal Verification Director, Mohamed Al Harthy, Director of Abu Dhabi Centers, Ismael Fadlullah, Director of Dubai and Northern Emirates Centers, Najat Al Mshajari, Acting Director of Musaffah Center, Sultan Khalifa Al Dhaheri, Registration Services Project Manager, Khadija Mohamed Shaheen, Director of Al Karama Center, Musbeh Obeid Al Mismari, Director of Fujairah Center, Nasser Ahmed Al Abdouli, Director of Al Barsha Center, Ismael Hashem Al Bulooshi, Director of Ras Al Khaimah Center, Jassim Mohamed Al Raisi, Director of Al Rashidiya Center, Mohamed Saeed Al Talay, Director of Ajman Center, Mohamed Al Kutbi, Acting Director of Al Ain Center, Rashid Ali Al Nuaimi, Director of Umm Al Quwain Center, Ahmed Al Buh, Director of Al Dhaid Center, Omer Al Maamari, Al Dhaid Center Supervisor, and Sameer Al Sheikh, Customer Service Specialist.