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Virtual Tour

Page last updated on : 09/08/2022 - 5:18 pm

Director of the “Identity and Citizenship” Academy checks the first semester exams


Colonel Mohammed Saeed Al Ameri, Director of the Emirates Identity and Citizenship Academy at the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship check the final exams for the first semester of the academic year (2018/2019).

Al Ameri reviewed, during the tour accompanied by Dr. Major Dr. Ayed Al Harthi, Head of the Faculty of Identity and Citizenship Sciences, Major Abdullah Al Hosani, Director of Admissions and Registration Committee and head of the Examination Committee in the Academy, the work of the Examination Committee and the mechanism for following up the punctuality of examinations.

Colonel Ameri expressed his appreciation, during his meeting with the members of the Examinations Committee and committees monitors in the Academy, to the President of the Faculty of Identity and Citizenship and faculty staff members for their efforts in harnessing all the potentials, providing the best means, and creating the appropriate atmosphere for students to be able to perform their examinations smoothly and easily.

During the tour, Al Ameri invited the students to exert more effort, perseverance, and diligence to obtain the highest grades in their academic achievement, achieving excellence, supremacy, and success.

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