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Page last updated on : 07/04/2022 - 11:21 am

Digital ID Project wins the award of “Best Public Service Implementation of the Year”

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H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, has affirmed that the winning by the Emirates Identity Authority of the award of the Best Public Service Implementation of the Year for its strategic project of “Digital ID” constitutes an incentive for the Emirates Identity Authority to make firm steps towards completing all its strategic projects and initiatives emanating from its strategy 2010- 2013.

He clarified that the award, which was announced late yesterday Monday, reflects the importance of the strategic projects that the Emirates Identity Authority is seeking to achieve as embodied in developing a comprehensive and integrated security infrastructure to enable the service of identifying the digital IDs of identity card holders in the UAE on digital networks and the Internet.

This strategic project is expected to generate huge investment returns, particularly those related to the revenues to be made from the submitted transactions for online services, Al Khouri said, underlining the extreme importance  of the project as a major mainstay of the eTransformation process in the UAE.

Al Khouri underlined the important role which the Emirates Identity Authority is playing in promoting the different eGovernment initiatives and projects in the UAE and its contribution to enhancing the UAE security system and serving the UAE aspirations for development.

He also stressed the importance of the successful applications of the digital ID project and their role in building and promoting the trust of individuals in their online transactions with the UAE government departments. This would lead the use of online services to increase in the UAE and the concept of “secure electronic economy” to be firmly established, he said.

Al Khouri pointed out that this award, which the Emirates Identity Authority won on the sidelines of the GITEX Technology Week 2011 and was granted by the Arabian Computer News for IT Specialists, falls under the category of the service projects implemented by the government sector as part of its quest for upgrading the services provided to the public.

It is noteworthy that the jury of the current 7th edition of the awards, which is made up by independent specialists, grants the award based on the strong nominations made by the concerned entities and on how far the submitted project is fit for and in harmony with the nature of work of the participating government entity and the need of the society.

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