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Page last updated on : 11/12/2021 - 11:35 am

Delegation from a World Bank corporation reaffirms Emirates Identity Authority’s role in supporting banking sector

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H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, received in his office at the Emirates Identity Authority head office a delegation from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a World Bank corporation.

The visiting delegation was familiarized with the population register and ID card system and how to benefit from it to support the UAE finance sector by seeking a mechanism to verify the identities of the customers of bank loans, which would have a positive effect on supporting this sector.

During a joint meeting with the Emirates Identity Authority, the visiting delegation listened to an explanation of the features of the ID card number as well as the security and electronic features of the ID card and the efforts exerted to activate the ID system through co-ordination with both the public and private sectors.

The visiting delegation hailed the Emirates Identity Authority’s efforts for activating the legal theme related to the compulsory procedure of recording the ID card number by the concerned authorities and using it in all individuals’ transactions, files and records, which would have a great effect on minimizing the risks related to the use of fake ID cards in the bank’s finance services sector and consequently increasing the safety of banks as regards these services and reducing the bank-related crime rates.

The meeting was attended from the Emirates Identity Authority by Mr. Shukri Al Buraiki, Creativity and Development Director, and Mr. Abdul Aziz Sultan Al Maamari, Director of Public Relations and Marketing.

The meeting was also attended from the IFC by Mr. Oscar Madeddu, Credit Bureau & Risk Management Advisor, Mr. Hafeez Ibreek, Payment Systems Officer, and Mr. Murat Sultanov, Operations Officer, IFC Advisory Service, Middle East & North Africa.

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