Data quality, accuracy must be a major concern, assured Dr. Al Ghafli

Thursday 24 November 2016

As the basis for all EIDA projects

We aim to make a meticulous and up to date population register in order to be the main reference for different entities

•Center staff are EIDA ambassadors who reflect its concern about customer happiness

HE Dr. Saeed Abdullah bin Mutlaq Al Ghafli, Director General of the Emirates ID Authority, stressed the need for seeking optimal accuracy and quality when storing data in the population register especially the biometric data including the fingerprints and personal photo. The biometric data, he said, has a critical role in the decision-making process at the Emirates ID Authority and maintenance of national security.

The responsibility for accuracy and quality of biometric data lies mainly on the shoulder of the registration and verification employees, who take, save, review and ensure that fingerprints and photos are taken in compliance with the Emirates ID Authority standards, he said. Each employee should exert utmost effort to master the biometric data taking techniques and know the types, shapes and reading methods of fingerprints, he said. The employees should also realize how critical the biometric data is from the security and civil perspectives and how significant it is for the e-applications, said Dr. Al Ghafli. The Emirates ID Authority offers the state of the art technologies and the latest micro devices to take fingerprints, he said.

The above statements have been given during the inspection tour of Dr. Al Ghafli at the Emirates ID Authority customer service centers in the Western Region. During his tour, Dr. Al Ghafli met staff members of these centers and listened to their opinions, aspirations and comments. He also met with many customers and listened to their views and impressions on the services offered by the Emirates ID Authority and advantages of the ID card.

Accuracy and quality of the population register`s data is an issue of high concern for the senior leadership of the Emirates ID Authority, said Dr. Al Ghafli. It is the main framework for all the Emirates ID Authority’s projects, services and initiatives (including the Smart Government transformation projects) that can make effective contribution to prosperity and comprehensive development in the UAE, he said.

The human resources have a key role in enabling the Emirates ID Authority to achieve its strategic goals and execute its projects according to the highest efficiency and effectiveness standards, said the Director General. The Emirates ID Authority will proceed with its investment in the human resources, creating a positive and attractive environment with different types of incentives and maintaining all the factors that help improve their productivity and competence and help achieve the highest levels of satisfaction among them, he said. It will also develop their capabilities, knowledge and skills through methodological and scientific training with a view to boosting innovation and creativity in them, he said.

Dr. Al Ghafli urged the registration and verification employees to compete for the highest professional levels in performance and customer data accuracy in order to ensure that all information in the Population Register is perfectly accurate and up to date. Thus, the Population Register can be the main reference for the UAE organizations to develop their services and come up with new techniques to find the easiest way to provide the service as early as possible while maintaining the highest standards, he said.

Dr. Al Ghafli called on the service centers` staff at different positions to be the real ambassadors for their centers, reflecting how their centers are keen to serve customers and achieve their satisfaction whether before, during or after the service process. The staff members are the frontline that leaves a first and almost ever-lasting impression on the customers, he said reminding the staff members of the main objective of the government as defined by the UAE visionary leadership; i.e. people happiness.

Dr. Al Ghafli instructed the Western Region centers` directors and supervisors to communicate always with the staff members, hold regular meetings with them and engage them in the decision-making and plan setting, support the excellent members, urge the normal performers to compete for excellence and punish the negligent employee who maintains his/ her negligence.

Dr. Al Ghafli was accompanied in the tour by Eng. Nasser Al Mazrouei, Executive Director of the Service Centers Operation Sector, Mr. Ismail Fadlallah, Director of Service Centers, Mr. Sultan Al Dhaheri, Director of Abu Dhabi Centers, Mr. Mubarak Al Amri, Director of the Director General’s Office, Mr. Abdul Aziz Al Maamari, Director of Government and Community Liaison Office, Mr. Omar Al Maamari, Head of Services Department, and Mr. Zakaria Al Alawi, Head of Technical Support Department, in addition to a number of heads of departments and officials of the Authority.