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Page last updated on : 17/09/2020 - 5:43 am

Customer Happiness Center in Zayed City participates in the “Innovation Laboratory” Workshop


A delegation from the female employees of ICA’s Customer Happiness Center in Zayed City has participated in the “Innovation Laboratory” Workshop, which has been organized by the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development Center in Zafra.

Bahija Al-Hamri and Dalal Al-Rashdi represented the Customer Happiness Center in this workshop, which aims at introducing the Emirati community to the challenges facing the cultural sector. It also aims to identify the best outputs, proposals, and ideas that contribute to spreading culture among the community members.

During the workshop, participants had an interactive exercise that aimed at exploring their ideas and proposals as per the challenges facing the cultural sector, with a view to come up with ideas and recommendations that support the local cultural community.

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