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Page last updated on : 26/08/2022 - 5:56 pm

Cabinet Secretariat briefed on Emirates ID’s strategy 2010-2013

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The General Secretariat of the Cabinet presided by Her Excellency Najla Mohammed Al Awar, Secretary General of UAE Cabinet, was briefed on the Emirates Identity Authority’s strategic plan 2010-2013.

A presentation made by H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Cabinet in Abu Dhabi explained the Emirates Identity Authority’s strategy aimed at developing the UAE population register system, the phases of completion of the infrastructure of this national project and the associated projects and initiatives that were being implemented by the Emirates Identity Authority.

Al Khouri praised the UAE leadership’s prudent vision and ongoing support for all the projects that are being implemented by the Emirates Identity Authority and its encouragement of all the creative ideas and development initiatives aimed at consolidating and upgrading the UAE’s distinguished position and global presence.

Al Khouri pointed out that the Emirates Identity Authority is determined to achieve success under the directives of His Highness General Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces and Chairman of the Emirates Identity Authority, and the follow-up of His Highness Lieutenant General Sheikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Deputy Chairman of the Emirates Identity Authority, by adopting a realistic and ambitious plan comprising an operating model with both strategic and operating performance indicators, benefiting from the early warning system, enhancing the decision-making  supporting opportunities and streamlining the role of the balanced performance card in measuring performance indicators.

Affirming that the Emirates Identity Authority is adopting and following-up specific operating plans, reviewing performance on a regular basis, streamlining communication plans and linking the cadres in charge of planning with those supervising and tracking implementation, Al Khouri underlined the Emirates Identity Authority’s keenness on abiding by the international standards for upgrading performance and increasing efficiency and effectiveness in implementing strategic projects.

During his strategy presentation, Al Khouri discussed the Emirates Identity Authority’s vision, mission and objectives as embodied in registering all the UAE population, developing the infrastructure required for this goal, activating the digital ID card applications and updating corporate systems. He also discussed the positive effects of the Emirates Identity Authority’s  strategic projects on the UAE overall security, economic and development dimensions in addition to the projects and initiatives that had been implemented so far.

Al Khouri reviewed the most outstanding projects that are being implemented by the Emirates Identity Authority including linkage with preventive medicine, linkage with organizations, development of the Electronic Certification Center and a number of other strategic projects which are directly related to supporting and developing the government sector and the process of development in the UAE.

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