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Page last updated on : 03/11/2020 - 5:42 am

Al Shamsi: Residency privileges for retirees for keeping affection and appreciation of experience and honor of giving


HE Ali Mohammed Al Shamsi, Chairman of Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, confirmed that UAE will remain loyal to all those who lived on its land and contributed to building its renaissance and development. It will remain keen to preserve the affection and appreciation of every effort made in the course of its successful journey, based on the established principles and noble values founded on them, especially respect for the human, honor guests, pay the favors back and honor giving.

He said that this benevolent homeland proves every day its keenness to strengthen the social solidarity approach, which is based on not being a home for the deprived, oppressed or homeless people, and that it will remain a haven for those seeking stability in life and family, as it provides them with a standard of living that protects their dignity, preserves their humanity, remove away the fear of the unknown and raise the burden of searching for shelter.

He added that the Decree of the Cabinet to grant visa privileges to persons over the age of fifty-five, which gives them long-term residency in the state, is a true embodiment of the highest sense of solidarity with a dear group of society and brotherhood in humanity in honor of their experience and expertise, so that they remain an integral part of the social fabric of the state, where they enrich it by their constant caring, and they receive care and attention and live the decent life enjoyed by every citizen and resident.

He also praised the wise vision of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, which pays the same attention to the economic and humanitarian aspects in the various initiatives adopted so as not to prefer one aspect on another. He pointed out that the latter Decree will positively affect the level of social stability, in addition to its contribution to enhancing the competitiveness of UAE economy and providing the proper environment to attracting and sustaining expertise and competencies and benefiting from them in various aspects of cultural renaissance and in promoting the reputation of UAE as a modern state that respects the values of human civilization and supports its pillars that are based on tolerance, coexistence and brotherhood among all. He pointed out that the Decree came in recognition and appreciation of UAE for this group and the value of work and giving, and in assurance of its leadership that it will not forget the contributions they made in its journey and that it will always strive to make sure that they receive all care and attention by allowing them to continue their life By providing them with the opportunity to continue their life in the state and to benefit from the economic and investment opportunities that it offers, the secure and stable environment and the advanced systems it provide in various fields.

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