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Page last updated on : 16/10/2020 - 11:54 am

Al Shamsi: our wise leadership vision is a beacon that light up our path of excellence


Urged all ICA employees to double efforts for more achievements

We feel proud for attaining 5 stars by 4 centers and we look forward to the 7 stars

HE Ali Mohammed Al Shamsi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of “ICA” confirmed that the deep vision and prudent guidance of the wise leadership are the light that guides ICA and the beacon that enlighten the excellence path for services and the innovation in provision methods in levels that gave the best examples regionally and internationally.

He said, on the occasion of attaining a 5-star ranking by 4 customer happiness centers in ICA according to the current-year evaluation results for the Global Star Rating System for Services adopted by the Government that UAE sons removed the word “impossible” from their dictionary and suppress this in a determined and steady manner. They were able to maintain a permanent chair for their nation in the first rows amongst the best countries worldwide and the most advanced ones in the field of government services. They are competing seriously and relentlessly on Number “1”. This fact is proved by the spectacular results and the extraordinary achievements that we feel and live daily and act as evidence that dedicated work, diligence, and inspiration are the only way to achieve the ambition and reach the optimal levels of building our nation, raise its flag high and engrave its name in the global excellence records.

He added that ICA was inspired earlier by the wise leadership vision for excellence as a means of development and improvement, and a way to upgrade the service quality and raise it to a level that meets and exceeds the customer needs and expectations. ICA has started the journey through such a way out of its strong belief to accept the challenge, and participate in achieving the state’s principal of bringing happiness to people, and contribute to raising the competitiveness of UAE amongst the developed countries.

He said “we started our journey to develop our services and centers according to the say (“Achievements never come by wishes, the world is taken by striving to overcome it”) as we have focused initially to qualify the human resource being the fundamental pillar for development, and we were keen to provide the best environment for each employee in ICA to carry out its role optimally and contribute actively to achieve the objectives of ICA. After that, we went through developing other enablers to upgrade the basic services and provide value-added services; the matter which makes many of our customer happiness centers a role model for providing unique services and achieving customer satisfaction”.

He expressed his gratitude as well as all ICA’s affiliates for attaining the biggest portion in the government services centers’ evaluation results and obtaining a 5-star ranking by 4 of its centers, confirming that such accomplishment is merely a part of the ambition, and ICA is continuing its pursuit confidently and relentlessly to meet the aspirations of the wise leadership regarding providing unprecedented government services to be the best in the world, and to attain the 7-star ranking in all its centers.

He urged all ICA’s employees to double their efforts and develop their abilities to demonstrate more excellence and creativity in all fields and at all levels. He noted that the brilliant results achieved by ICA doubled the responsibilities of every single person to be amongst those who will be honored to achieve the UAE vision to become one of the best countries and the most developed and happiest worldwide.

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