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Page last updated on : 08/09/2020 - 8:47 pm

Al Shamsi: Decisions Attract Creators and Investors to ensure ongoing Progress and Prosperity.


H.E. Ali Mohammad Hammad Al Shamsi, ICA’s Chairman, emphasizes ICA’s full readiness to implement the wise and sound government decisions to launch an integrated system for entry visas and residency permits. This aims at attracting highly qualified individuals and talents in all dynamic sectors of the national economy. He further illustrated that these decisions imply humanitarian, social, and economic dimensions, hence guaranteeing tranquility and stability for resident families. They also enable UAE to attract and retain outstanding talents contributing to the progress of various fields.

H.E. added that such decisions directly contribute to achieving the UAE centennial goals, whose content and goals reflect a national strategy. This strategy aims at (1) promoting UAE reputation; (2) supporting investment in education that focuses on advanced technology; (3) establishing an Emirati system of ethical values for the future generations; (4) increasing productivity in the national economy; (5) strengthening community cohesion; (6) fostering UAE approach and tendency towards openness; (7) attracting competences; and (8) providing scientific and economic incubators. This in turn enables UAE to make innovations and creations that contribute to drawing happiness on both citizens and residents all over the UAE and improving the standards and quality of living for humans in general.

H.E. praised the directives of the wise leadership and vision of the State, which form the outlines on which the government decisions are based. He also commended the well-established basis on which the projects to move

towards a brighter future are built. This enables UAE to take action and race against taking one of the world’s leading positions at the various levels, as well as advancing confidently towards its goals. Thus, it would become one of the best countries in the world, able to attract capital and investors seeking the most appropriate climates to achieve their aspirations. It would also serve as an appropriate hub for the outstanding minds and competencies seeking to provide the best path to human life.

He further reiterated that ICA, as of today, has initiated developing plans and design projects and initiatives to implement government decisions to the fullest. Besides, he stressed that ICA will continue to act as an active partner in establishing UAE security and economy and contribute to achieving the aspirations of the wise leadership towards reaching the utmost levels of government performance and providing the best services to citizens and residents. Hence, the people of the UAE will be the happiest in the world.

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